Our Web Plataform
The DS Best Care Clinic will have a unique computerized system for clinical/physician/patient/health care management and integration, which is already in operation in Brazil clinics and is in the adaptation phase to operate in the United States with the commitment of Dr. Ambrozio.
This system is a technological tool via WEB that provides mobility and security for everyone involved, but mainly for the patient, who will have in their hands, via mobile access, all their medical records and interaction with the clinic and their health professionals..
Among the features are included: scheduling for all specialties, anamnesis by professional specialty, history of consultations, hospitalizations, events, test requests, test results (import of results and upload of image reports and other tests), transplant data, anamnesis by specialty, privacy module for psychological consultations, management of medical prescriptions, attendance sheet with controls, medical notes, nursing notes, prescription of medication during treatment and nursing check, prescription and monitoring of treatments, SAE – systematization of care of nursing, type of Vascular access, internal communication with monitoring and validation of processes, control of reuse and statistics, control of vaccines and serology, in addition to the entire inventory control system, billing, financial, reporting and membership plan management (own health care plan).

One of the system’s main differentials is the Tele Consultation module, which allows the clinic’s professional to carry out a remote consultation with the patient wherever he is, using any device he may have. This module manages the consultations and the duration time through this module, including sending messages and the access link in an automated way. It is possible to validate personal data and facial or digital recognition, capture images during the consultation to document procedures, and record all consultations for later access by the responsible physician and, if of interest, available on the Patient portal—a powerful tool that provides assistance even in times of pandemic or when some extraneous factor impedes movement.